Contributed by Bruce Timpany
{{{ WARNING DONT COME TO MY FACEBOOK PAGE IF YOU WANT YOUR EARS TICKLED WITH SMOOTH THINGS }}} {{{ THE REAL MATRIX YOU ARE LIVING IN }}} ARE YOU AWAKE AND READY FOR THE TRUTH?◄ Ephesians 5:11 ►Have nothing to do with the useless works that darkness produces. Instead, expose them for what they are. An intense exposé that uncovers the endgame of the Luciferian New World Order."The Matrix" of this world isn't invisible any more. ALL current world events, the NWO, Illuminati, TV BRAINWASHING, increased POLICE STATE, perverted SATAN WORSHIP that's thrown in our faces, and all the dark, worthless trash along with it is all a formidable, tangible uprising of SPIRITUAL WARFARE... A SPIRITUAL war which has reached such a peak now that it can BE SEEN! Along with massive fish and animal deaths, with almost daily earthquakes becoming the norm, thousands upon thousands of birds dropping dead, seas and rivers turning blood red, with extreme weather worldwide, even the secular lame stream media have grown guts and called some of the events APOCALYPTIC. Days are dark and numbered. Night is almost here. .{{{ 2 Timothy 4:3–4}}}3 For a the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires,4 and a will turn away their ears from the truth and bwill turn aside to Fables.{{{◄ Isaiah 5:20 ►}}}Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. {{{ THE LATEST NEWS HEADLINES ,}}} TOP STORIES, BIBLE PROPHECY AND HEALTH HEADLINES.THE TOP STORIES YOU WILL NEVER HERE ON MAINSTREAM MEDIA.If there is one thing the Bible is clear about it is this. One day, God is going to put an end to all the evil and suffering that goes on in our world. One day, He will judge this wicked and rebellious planet and make all things new. He did it once with a worldwide flood and Hes going to do it again with a worldwide fire. Thus, you would think people would conclude, Hey man, I better get right with God so I dont suffer the Judgment of God. Yet the Bible records the sad news of how the people in the last days would actually choose to be scoffers instead of taking God up on His offer to be rescued before its too late.EXPOSING the TRUTH about the ILLUMINATI and the NEW WORLD ORDER. —
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